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Lecterns For Schools

Having a lectern at your school, college or university offers a practical way to deliver assemblies and presentations. It helps you project your voice and also gives a focal point for your audience, helping them to concentrate on your message.

We absolutely love the lectern, it’s a much better build quality than our previous ones. It looks more robust, and sturdy. It will definitely work for us.

Heather Brenner  |  Astro Lighting

Why Choose Nova’s School Lecterns?

Our lecterns for schools and educational settings offer a practical and authoritative solution to delivering your message to your audience. 


Our lecterns can make the speaker appear as a higher authority, give them more confidence when speaking and help you to read from notes or books with ease. To find out more read our dedicated blog post on the benefits of a lectern stand.

Here at Nova Lecterns, we have the knowledge and expertise behind us to deliver exceptional quality lecterns at competitive prices. We will collaborate with you to ensure your lectern meets your requirements exactly, adding any necessary accessories you wish. To make your school lectern look professional we can add your logo through our branded lectern service.

Lecterns for Schools FAQs

What is the Purpose of a Lectern?

Lecterns are best used to assist a speaker when delivering a speech, or presentation or when talking to a large audience. They help to provide a focal point in the room for the audience, giving the speaker better visibility and posture. They can help you to project your voice further and can hold notes, books and devices. 

For more speaking tips take a look at our blog on Lectern etiquette.

How Do You Stand at a Lectern?

Try to stand upright and confident with a good enough distance that you can see your notes but also see the audience clearly. Lecterns can improve your posture and help you to stand tall when speaking. It’s important not to lean on a lectern, it can make you look too casual, and gripping the sides of the top of the lectern can make you look nervous. Try just resting a hand on the surface if you feel you need to.

Learn more about standing at a lectern in this helpful blog: Lectern Etiquette - Everything You Need To Know

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